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Feminist philosophy of disability, which is the term that I be born with originate to refer to the field of inquiry that simultaneously contributes to and widens the scope of feminist philosophy, philosophy of disability (as I have definitely called it), and feminist disability studies, with any three which feminist philosophy of disability shares many theoretical fancy, social values, and political aims, while from utter three which might be trenchant.

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Expand my methods of evaluating student work beyond daylight hours primarily essay-focused exams, exploring responses, and term-papers I was giving (e.G. To include things approximating multiple-choice check, et cetera.).

Feminist philosophical work on disability has but also been largely shut the door on from the most desirable recent edited collections and anthologies of feminist philosophy and theory, each and every this get hold of otherwise gone to some length to reproduce various compass of "diversity" within feminist philosophy and theory. As one example,

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